
Psychedelic Coaching

Pick a coach. Get ongoing, long-term support as you prepare for and integrate your journey. Stay safe.

Every coach is Fireside-Certified through a rigorous 30-step, 300-hour training process.

Three simple steps to begin your journey

1. Pick a coach.

2. Book your session.

3. Fill out our intake form.

Meet our coaches

How Are Fireside-Certified 
Coaches Trained?

It’s a 30-step, 300-hour process.

It starts with a one-year apprenticeship on our Psychedelic Support Line.

It’s followed by a rigorous hiring process.

It continues with weekly supervision from our Director of Coaching, Dr. Jacob Ham, a Professor of Psychology at Mount Sinai who was featured in the memoir, What My Bones Know, about healing from Complex PTSD.

Fireside Certification is an ongoing commitment to keep learning and growing.


*You may be able to pay for sessions using pre-tax dollars from your Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA).
Please confirm your eligibility with a tax professional.


How is our coaching different from the Psychedelic Support Line?


You build a long-term, ongoing relationship with the same coach

You pick your coach that's right for you from a database of experts in the psychedelic field with extensive professional experience

Support by video

Support when you’re preparing for your psychedelic journey

Scheduled conversations

Support provided by a paid coach, not a volunteer

Your coach is Fireside-Certified , meaning they completed a 30-step, 300-hour training process that begins with a one-year apprenticeship on our support line

Receive our Journey Companion, a workbook that includes activities, tools, question to explore, and tips to support you during preparation and psychedelic integration, and keep you safe at every phase of your journey

One-off, unscheduled, inbound conversations

Your call-taker is anonymous

You have no control over who you speak to, except to request a volunteer with a particular identity

If you call back, you speak to a different person every time

Calls are handled by volunteer-trainees

Support during a psychedelic experience

Support Line



Have other questions?

Send us a message and we will get back to you.

Diversity and equitable access are in our DNA.

We’re a nonprofit dedicated to creating a more diverse and equitable psychedelic field. Our coaches come from a range of backgrounds and lived experiences. By hiring a Fireside-Certified ™ Psychedelic Coach, you’re helping to keep our Psychedelic Support Line free for everyone, forever.